Sebaran Mata Kuliah S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Semester 1 (22 SKS)

No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 UNO1007 Kewarganegaraan 2 2 0
2 UNO1008 Jati Diri Unsoed 2 2 0
3 UNO1010 Bahasa Indonesia 2 2 0
4 FIP1101 Pengantar llmu Pendidikan 2 2 0
5 PBIG201105 Active Listening 2 2 0
6 PBIG201106 Daily Conversation 2 2 0
7 PBIG201107 Authentic Reading 2 2 0
8 PBIG201108 Basic Writing 2 2 0
9 PBIG201109 Fundamental Grammar 2 2 0
10 PBIG201110 Pronunciation Practice 2 2 0
11 PBIG201111 Integrated Course Practicum 2 0 2
Jumlah SKS 22 Total  SKS 22


Semester 2 (22 SKS)

No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 UNO1001 Pancasila
2 UNO1002 Pendidikan Agama Islam*) 2 2 0
UNO1003 Pendidikan Agama Katholik*)
UNO1004 Pendidikan Agama Kristen Protestan*)
UNO1005 Pendidikan Agama Budha*)
UNO1006 Pendidikan Agama Hindu*)
UNO1009 Pendidikan Agama Kong Hu Cu*)
3 FIB 1001 Pengantar Ilmu Budaya 2 2 0
4 PBIG201204 Perkembangan Peserta Didik 2 2 0
5 PBIG201205 Interactional Listening 2 2 0
6 PBIG201206 Situational  Speaking 2 2 0
7 PBIG201207 Genre-Based Reading 2 2 0
8 PBIG201208 Paragraph Writing 2 2 0
9 PBIG201209 Grammar in Use 2 2  


10 PBIG201210 Introduction to Linguistics 2 2 0
11 PBIG201211 Introduction to Literature 2 2 0
Jumlah SKS 22 Total  SKS 44


Semester 3 (24 SKS)

No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG201301 Second Language Acquisition 2 2 0
2 PBIG201302 Cross Cultural Understanding 2 2 0
3 PBIG201303 Intro to Lexical Studies 2 2 0
4 PBIG201401 ICT in Education 2 2 0
5 PBIG201305 Critical  Listening 2 2 0
6 PBIG201306 Occupational Speaking 2 2 0
7 PBIG201307 Intensive Reading 2 2 0
8 PBIG201308 Genre-Based Writing 2 2 0
9 PBIG201309 Communicative Grammar 2 2 0
10 PBIG201310 English Phonology 2 2 0
11 PBIG201311 English Morphology 2 2 0
12 PBIG201412 Guidance and Counseling 2 2 0
Jumlah SKS 24 Total  SKS 68


Semester 4 (23 SKS)

No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG201506 Curriculum and Syllabus Design 2 2 0


2 PBIG201402 Syntax 2 2 0
3 PBIG201612 Innovative Teaching Media 2 2 0
4 PBIG201502  Professional Teaching Ethics 2 2 0
5 PBIG201304 Classroom Management 2 2 0
6 PBIG201507 Material Development 2 2 0
7 PBIG201509 Language Testing and Evaluation 2 2 0
8 PBIG201505 English Teaching Methods 2 2 0
9 PBIG201614 Micro Teaching 2 1 1
10 PBIG201410 Literature Appreciation 1 0 1
11 PBIG201411 Literature Teaching 2 2 0
12 PBIG201501 English Indonesian Translation 2 2 0
Jumlah SKS 23 Total  SKS 91


Semester 5 (24 SKS)

No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG 201406 Academic Speaking 2 2 0
2 PBIG 201407 Academic Reading 2 2 0
3 PBIG201405 Comprehensive Listening 2 2 0
4 PBIG201409 Comprehensive Grammar 2 2 0
5 PBIG 201601 Indonesian – English Translation 2 2 0
6 PBIG 201613 ELT Management 2 2 0
7 PBIG201511 Classroom Practice 1 0 1
8 PBIG201312 Classroom Observation 1 0 1
9 PBIG201512 KKL 1 0 1
10 UNO 8106 KKN 3 0 3
11 PBIG201701 PLP 2 0 2
12 PBIG201510 Semantics – Pragmatics 2 2 0
13 PBIG201503 Academic Writing 2 2 0
Jumlah SKS 24 Total  SKS 115


Semester 6 (24 SKS)

No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG201403 Linguistic Statistics 2 0 2
2 PBIG201602 Intro to Discourse Analysis 2 2 0
3 PBIG201603 Seminar on Linguistics and Language


2 2 0
4 PBIG201604 Language Entrepreneurship 3 2 1
5 PBIG201605 Vocational English Teaching*) 2 2 0
6 PBIG201606 English Course Management*) 2 2 0
7 PBIG201607 Business English*) 2 2 0
8 PBIG201608 Textbook Review *) 2 2 0
9 PBIG201609 English for Journalism*) 2 2 0
10 PBIG201610 Interpreting*) 2 2 0
11 PBIG201611 English for Tourism*) 3 2 1
12 PBIG201404 Educational Research 2 2 0
13 PBIG201504 Teaching English to Young Learners 2 2 0
14 PBIG201408 Creative Writing 2 2 0
15 PBIG201508 English for Specific Purposes 2 2 0
Jumlah SKS 24 Total  SKS 139

*) Dipilih 3 Mata Kuliah sejumlah 7 SKS


Semester 7 (4 SKS)

No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG201702 Skripsi 4 4 0
Jumlah SKS 4 Total  SKS 143


Semester 8 (1 SKS)

No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot SKS SKS MK dalam Kurikulum Prasyarat
Teori Praktikum
1 PBIG201801 Comprehensive Test 1 1 0
Jumlah SKS 1 Total  SKS 144