(01/09/2021) English Education Study Program (EESP) takes a great pride to hold a two-in-one program so-called Grand Launching of Language Education and Development (LEAD) Journal and Webinar. Actually, the second is a part or closely linked to the first program. Hence, EESP aims to promote the idea of three Qs in their academic milieu, namely Quality Research, Quality Writing and Quality Teaching. Phrased differently, EESP means to situate the study program as the front liner in these academic discourses. EESP should be the first in producing quality research, second-to-none in crafting research-based articles, and the front runner in serving the highest quality standard of teaching to their current and prospective students. In brief, the launch of this LEAD journals symbolically marks the awareness and eagerness to engage in a true and real human resources development through researching, writing and teaching. Truly, many affiliations or institutions have started earlier, yet we want to be the first to spearhead this academic core standard in its reals sense. To that end, EESP has a grand plan design to be the future HUB OF EXCELENCE through Reflection, creativity and innovation. EESP believe that we all have potential to be there. We believe we can do it, we can make the impossible possible. From the bottom of our heart, we all the avant-gardes welcome you in the joy and delight of our upcoming Grand Launching of LEAD Journal and Webinar. Welcome aboard and kindly register yourself at https://bit.ly/Registration_LEAD before 16 September 2021!